In the continuation of our article of last June 5 relating to the American law on the protection of endangered animals in the United States: Endangered species act , here is a good news which arrives to us from Colorado. Wolves have reappeared.
It had been 80 years since Colorado had seen wolves on its territory. Massacred during the extermination campaigns carried out by European settlers during the 20th century, the 250,000 wolves that populated the country at that time saw their population drop to painfully reaching 1,000 individuals across the United States in 1970. This That year, the American authorities took the decision to protect the species, which had the effect of significantly increasing their numbers. A new threat arose when former President Donald Trump removed some federal protections last year, exposing them to the chase. In March, hunters in Wisconsin killed 216 wolves in three days, twice as many as allowed, and nearly 20% of the state's population. A very hard blow to an extremely fragile species on the brink of extinction.
This is why, in view of this situation, the announcement of the birth of a first litter of gray wolves sounds like a great victory for all those who have tried for years to reintroduce the species. This certainly bodes well for more births to come. A fact so important that the Governor of Colorado himself, Jared Polis, in a statement released Wednesday, described this step as "historic ." Obviously very satisfied, he said: "Colorado is now home to our first litter of wolves since the 1940s ."
For their part, researchers and biologists are taking advantage of the support from the new administration to redouble their efforts. Indeed, Joe Biden is determined to re-establish measures to protect endangered species.
Regarding this new litter, biologist Libbie Miller said: “We continue to actively monitor the den, while being extremely careful not to inadvertently jeopardize the survival of these young. Not disturbing them remains our main concern. ”
Of course, it is still far too early to declare this species out of business. Conservationists know this all too well. But this first birth gives new hope, not only for gray wolves but also for all endangered species which will now be able to benefit from Washington's protection. At least for the next four years.
Posted on 2021-06-11 16:39