September 16, 2021 marks a monumental day for animals in EU laboratories. The European Parliament has just voted with an overwhelming majority in favor of the development of an action plan to end animal experiments. MEPs backed a motion for a resolution to end animal experiments. This means that EU officials commit to working with scientists, including those from PETA affiliates, for a future that does not involve animal testing!
“Today is a historic moment for the animal protection movement. The demand of European citizens to phase out animal experimentation and switch to science suitable for humans has finally been heard. New advanced methods based on human biology do not only serve to protect animals - they are also fundamental to achieving the Union's objectives of environmental protection and human health. With Parliament's vote today, we are moving forward on all three fronts. » - Tilly Metz, MEP, president of the Animals in Science working group of the Intergroup for Animal Welfare and Protection
“It is now up to the European Commission to establish this EU-wide action plan, and we hope the Commission will make it a high-level priority. Indeed, if the Commission takes its commitments to EU citizens seriously, it must start a dialogue with all parties now in order to effectively coordinate funding, education and the steps necessary to accelerate the transition to a non-animal science ” , added MEP Jytte Guteland (S&D, SE).
“This action plan to phase out animal testing is a win-win situation for humans, other animals and the environment. The European Commission and Member States urgently need to step up their efforts to reduce, replace and end the use and abuse of animals for scientific purposes. Animal experiments are still used in many areas within the competence of the Commission. A consistent approach is therefore essential to achieve safety and sustainability, without animal testing. We have to use science. Not the animals ” , concluded Anja Hazekamp, MEP (La Gauche, NL), president of the Intergroup for the welfare and protection of animals.
History is written today
This is a historic vote, which sets a precedent. The European Parliament calls on the European Commission to create an action plan to end all animal testing and to prioritize funding for non-animal methods. This plan should include an ambitious timeline and a list of milestones. What progress!
Why is this important?
This vote means that the European Parliament aims to actively eliminate the use of animals for all scientific purposes.
And they are not alone. PETA, along with other animal welfare groups such as Cruelty Free Europe, Eurogroup for Animals, the European Coalition to End Animal Testing and Humane Society International Europe, have campaigned for MEPs to adopt this motion for a resolution. (an agreement of MEPs to take an official position on an issue).
The Research Deal Modernization PETA UK - a complete roadmap and strategy to optimize investments in research on humans to cure diseases and improve safety assessment approaches - was shared with MEPs from the Animals in Science Intergroup for Animal Welfare and Protection working group, who worked to develop and successfully pass the parliamentary motion.
We are now calling on the European Commission to act urgently in accordance with Parliament's will and to use this research modernization agreement to create a Europe in which no animals are used in experiments.
EU citizens want to end animal testing
It is clear that the public expects the EU to be at the forefront of the movement to end animal testing. In just two weeks, nearly 120,000 European citizens have supported the new European citizens' initiative "Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics - Commit to a Europe Without Animal Testing " .
More than one hundred major players in the scientific community also supported the motion for a resolution. They believe the resolution is essential for identifying common research and funding priorities and, ultimately, for making the transition to animal-free science.
Posted on 2021-09-20 10:37