Russia has also been hit by the vagaries of the weather in recent weeks.
Just like the United States, Australia, China or even Germany, Russia is not immune to the elements that are unleashed. The natural disasters in Russia cause great concern on the part of Vladimir Putin.
These “unprecedented” extreme phenomena have led the head of the Kremlin to ask his government to “act quickly and effectively” in the face of ecological problems.
A helpless witness to devastating forest fires in Siberia and flooding in the south, Mr Putin said on television that. “The scale and nature of natural disasters in some areas are absolutely unprecedented,” recalling the heavy rains that fell within hours in southern Russia and Crimea causing floods and evacuations as well as the fires that devastated more than 16 , 6 million hectares of forests in Siberia and the Far East: "all this shows once again how important it is to engage in a deep and systematic way in the future in the climate and environmental program" . The fires were so violent in places that smoke blanketed towns, forcing authorities to declare a public holiday last Friday. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, whose leader arrived in Yakutia on Thursday, announced that it had set up a special operation center to deal with these fires, against which some 5,000 people are fighting.
Smoke from the fires in Yakutia caused higher than normal levels of hydrogen sulphide as far as Chelyabinsk, 3,800 km to the southwest. The US space agency, NASA, reported a week ago that this smoke had also reached the North Pole.
The alarm sounded by the IPCC a few days ago on the occasion of the release of its last report must ring with force in the ears of the Russian president. It now seems difficult and dangerous to ignore its conclusions and think that there is still time before us before taking the necessary measures.
Posted on 2021-08-16 20:15