“A historic gesture” . This is how the Israeli government's decision to end the import and export trade in animal fur in the country has been described.
Long awaited and after years of struggle by local activists and PETA affiliates, victory has come. The animal suffering caused by this industry has finally been recognized as stated by Gila Gamliel, Minister of the Environment: "The fur trade causes unimaginable suffering to animals" before adding that "This decree will transform the market. of Israeli fashion making it better in terms of meeting environmental standards. "
Israel thus becomes the first country in the world to make official the ban on the fur trade so strictly. 86% of the population supported this measure. Membership is complete. And the leaders of PETA like to remember that this victory is above all that of the animals. Timid measures have been taken in the world where a few countries protect a few endangered species through the fashion trade. We think, of course, of the seals. Also note, Sao Paulo in Brazil which has already completely banned the fur trade, as well as California. India has passed similar regulations nationwide, but only for mink, fox and chinchilla skins.
For decades, PETA has fought relentlessly to expose the horrific cruelty of fur farming, showing animals spend their entire lives confined to tiny and dirty wire cages and killed in the cheapest ways possible, through breaking. neck, suffocation, poisoning or genital electrocution.
The victory is beautiful and historic, it is true. But we cannot help but regret that it is not complete. Indeed, the ban only targets the fur trade in the fashion sector. It does not yet concern research, teaching and certain religious traditions. Nor, moreover, than the making of the “Schtreimel”, these hats worn by ultra-Orthodox Jews made from fur.
But let's not sulk our pleasure. Even if it's a safe bet that the industry will express its dissatisfaction, as is already the case in France through the spokesperson for the association La Fourrure française who declares that the accusations are "totally unfounded "And who considers it useful to recall that: " The skins used in the French luxury and fashion houses working with our sector come from Europe or North America, where strict rules are applied in terms of animal welfare " , Israel is leading by example and has just created a breach that we hope all other countries will step in. Quickly.
Posted on 2021-06-12 10:57