The Jane Goodall Institute France is launching the second edition of a campaign on the protection of wildlife and honoring 10 projects working daily for this cause.
Because it is urgent to rethink our link to nature and wildlife.
It comes in 2 parts:
- on the Blue Bees participatory platform as part of a national call for donations,
- an awareness weekend with the GoodPlanet Foundation on October 1 & 2 in Paris.
Wildlife in France is rich and diverse, but also threatened.
In France, 186,883 different wild animal and plant species have been identified.
Species interact with each other and with biotopes, thus forming ecosystems. They are interconnected (in complex networks of predation, symbiosis, cooperation or competition for resources, etc.). The extinction of one can lead to the collapse of all or part of the species that interact with it, and thus disturb the entire balance of an ecosystem by domino effect.
With 1,742 globally threatened species present on its territory (in mainland France and overseas), France is among the 10 countries hosting the largest number of threatened species (2021 figures from the International Union for Conservation of Nature ).
This is the case for 800 species of wild animals on French territory. 1 in 10 mammals is endangered, but also 1 in 4 birds, and many insects...
The July 2022 IPBES report estimates that around 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction, especially in the next few decades, which has never happened before in history. of humanity.
It depends on us to be able to protect them, as well as their natural habitats, which are fragmented, diminished or even destroyed. To do this, associations in the field are doing a tremendous job, and it is these heroes in the shadows that the Jane Goodall Institute France wishes to highlight through the campaign "The awakening of the savage forces".
A campaign in 2 stages:
- A crowdfunding campaign common to the 10 associations in order to provide them with financial support that will enable them to carry out their projects;
- An exceptional weekend with and at the GoodPlanet Foundation, makes it possible to raise awareness - through participatory workshops, conferences-meetings, an artistic performance and many other new formats - the general public about these issues and promote the 10 projects and their impacts
(Detailed program Page 6!)
“Savage Forces Awaken” is a campaign of the Jane Goodall Institute France.
The crowdfunding campaign is carried out in partnership with the Blue Bees platform from September 1 to October 31, 2022 with a simple objective: to give visibility to the heroes in the shadows who work for the protection of wildlife with important projects that need all of our support, including financial support. The aim of this participatory campaign is also to raise awareness of the urgency of rethinking together our relationship with nature and wildlife.
The Jane Goodall Institute and Blue Bees have thus selected 10 associations for their daily positive impact on wildlife in France and their natural habitat.
It is now possible to discover the selected associations and their projects in order to understand the issues they address, and especially how they act on a daily basis to protect this wildlife and their habitats.
"The awakening of the wild forces" addresses the important issues of the protection of wildlife in France today:
- projects dedicated to the protection of wildlife in wildlife rescue centers : the creation of a new center (the only one in the heights of France) called Takoda , the expansion of the Poitevine wildlife center , and support for Gorna (Groupement Ornithologique du Refuge Nord Alsace) which has existed since 1983.
- a project dedicated to the protection of the natural habitats of wildlife : Wild Forests , which aims to fully preserve forest areas through land management, led by Béatrice Kremer-Cochet;
- projects dedicated to the protection of species in particular : with Ferus , the national association for the defense and protection of large predators (bears, wolves, lynx)
- A project that works on the cohabitation between man and wild animals (in this case foxes and badgers) with the Aves association.
- projects that work to raise awareness and educate the general public and/or municipalities on these important issues: with Biodivéduc, which works in schools and leisure centres, the Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels d'Auvergne, which raises awareness about preserving pollinators wild (schools, municipalities, etc.). The Telabotanica project "Sauvages de ma rue", a participatory science program dedicated to urban wild flora, in order to raise awareness among citizens even more of the challenges of preserving nature in the city and to encourage them to participate in the improvement botanical knowledge. As well as the participatory science project led by the Noé association for its Lépinoc program which aims to improve the state of knowledge on moths and raise awareness of the issues of protecting nocturnal biodiversity.
(See below in the document for a detailed presentation of each association and project)
As we face three major crises : climate change, the erosion of biodiversity and the 6th extinction of species, the world reminds us how interconnected everything is in living things.
The loss of biodiversity promotes the emergence of diseases transmitted from animals to humans by reducing their natural habitat more and more rapidly…. As the Covid 19 crisis has reminded us and continues to do so...
The health of the ecosystems on which we humans depend, as well as all other animal (and plant) species, is deteriorating faster than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of our livelihoods, food security, health, our economies, the quality of life around the world. How can the man who thinks he is so intelligent destroy his one and only home?
It's not too late to act, but only if we start doing it now at all levels, from local to global.
This is the objective of the campaign "the awakening of the wild forces": alert, raise awareness, help those who are already in action. Because nature can still be preserved, restored and our bond renewed.
We must therefore act, and quickly. But how ?
Create sanctuaries, rescue centers and refuges for animals , fight for their well-being , promote the reintroduction or protection of endangered species , advance scientific research , restore and protect the natural habitats of wildlife, raise public awareness . greater number to the interconnection of the Living and to reconnect Man and the living, to raise the awareness of children and adults, are all solutions (and much more) for a resilient future.
Wilderness doesn't need us, but we need it badly!
The call for projects "the awakening of the wild forces" benefits from the support of 2 wonderful partners. May they be thanked here for their actions for a better world in general and for their commitment to these 10 associations for the protection of wildlife and their habitat in France.
The Lemarchand Foundation for the Balance between People and the Earth supports associative projects promoting respect, preservation and sustainable use of nature. Lifestyles and behaviors, intergenerational social solidarity, awareness, education and outdoor activities are at the heart of its mission.
Founders of the Nature & Découvertes brand – itself endowed with a foundation under the aegis of the Fondation de France – François and Françoise Lemarchand chose in 2008 to strengthen their philanthropic commitment by involving members of their family in the creation of the Lemarchand Foundation for the balance between People and the Earth. A way of anchoring their action over time and of structuring it through the presence of qualified experts within the executive committee of the foundation.
The Foundation supports concrete projects that contribute to establishing harmonious relations between people and nature. It contributes in France to the development of good ecological practices, particularly in the agricultural field (new agriculture), and promotes the reasonable and sustainable use of wild nature for human activities. Furthermore, it promotes the benefits of nature for humans, not only in the context of food, health and education, but also as a factor of social inclusion for vulnerable people.
Since its creation in 2008, the foundation has contributed nearly 8.4 million euros to the financing of 672 projects, two thirds of which in France and one third in the rest of the world.
For more information: https://www.fondationlemarchand.org
Beauty Disrupted is a solid cosmetics b-corp company, certified vegan by PETA and free of all plastic.
It was co-founded by Alban Mayne and Svante Holm, who both worked in the tech industry, and gave up their careers when they learned that 80 billion bottles of shampoo and conditioner were produced worldwide each year. . Less than 10% is recycled; and many end up in the sea.
Determined to create alternatives that are better for the planet and for humans, they embarked on a slightly crazy journey to help shake up the Beauty industry. Two years of research and unforgettable encounters with artisans, botanists, perfumers and industry experts later, the result is Beauty Disrupted.
Beauty Disrupted products are designed in Sweden and conscientiously crafted in the south of France with 100% renewable energy. All products are zero plastic and avoid at least 2 plastic bottles each. Each solid product contains a careful selection of gentle ingredients, including Ecocert certified 100% organic fragrances, and oils recognized for their moisturizing and softening properties. Beauty Disrupted donates 20% of its profits to associations that protect the planet and fight against climate change.
Beauty Disrupted is thus a partner of the Jane Goodall Institute France.
To know more :
https://www.beautydisrupted.com/fr/ and https://www.instagram.com/beautydisruptedglobal/
The Lemarchand Foundation for the Balance between People and the Earth and Beauty Disrupted are the partners of this call for projects. As such, they support each of the 10 wildlife protection associations. Obviously for them who work for a better world between men, other animals and nature.
The event as well as the crowdfunding campaign allow anyone who wishes to help emblematic associations that act with a lot of impact on the ground, but with few means.
Every donation, every support, every share will have a significant impact.
Thanks to solidarity, each of these 10 associations will benefit from aid that will allow them to act on the ground, concretely, to protect wildlife in France and its habitat!
The Jane Goodall InstituteFrance and the GoodPlanet Foundation are organizing on October 1 and 2, a weekend of free activities for the whole family to raise awareness among as many people as possible about the preservation of our wildlife and their habitats. . On the program: many free workshops for all ages, conferences, a photo exhibition, meetings... and many other surprises!
This exceptional weekend will also be an opportunity to support the 10 wonderful wildlife protection projects in France carried out by those who work daily for these animals and their habitats.
Meet on the weekend of October 1 and 2 at the gates of Paris at the GoodPlanet Foundation for a weekend full of activities and emotions!
Participants will be able to attend free of charge all the meetings, shows, workshops set up for this occasion… And many other surprises!
Conferences on the theme of wildlife accessible to all:
- Exceptional conference by Dr. Jane Goodall in video and live, Saturday October 1 at 7 p.m. to answer questions from the public.
- A conference on illicit wildlife trafficking with Loïs Lelanchon (european manager of the wildlife rescue program at IFAW), Colonel Ehrhart (OCLAESP – the police in the fight against environmental crimes – TBC), Maud Lelievre (president of IUCN France), Sergio Lopez (Founder of Wildlife Angel) and Galitt Kenan (Director of the Jane Goodall Institute France).
- A conference with the exceptional photographer Laurent Baheux , a committed photographer if he is in favor of the protection of wildlife.
A photo exhibition by Vincent Munier
Meetings with inspiring personalities , actors in the protection of wildlife, during a “tea time” in a small group (10 people) by their side. A unique, privileged and unforgettable moment…
The only paying moment of this weekend, the profits will be allocated to the campaign.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, French photographer, reporter, director and environmental activist. He chairs the GoodPlanet Foundation that he created
Laurent Baheux, internationally recognized photographer committed to living things, ambassador for UNEP and the Wild & Precious campaign
Yolaine de la Bigne, wildlife specialist, founder of "man and animal" will discuss animal wisdom and intelligence
Allain Bougrain Dubourg, emblematic president of the LPO, he is an activist, journalist, producer and television director
Geoffroy Delorme, (“the deer man”) will share his experience of 5 years spent in the forest with deer
Galitt Kenan, director of the Jane Goodall Institute France will discuss the role of NGOs and their role in the protection of wildlife
Loïs Lelanchon, will discuss the progress and constraints related to the illicit trafficking of wild animals as Europe manager at IFAW
Maud Lelievre, President of IUCN France will discuss the role of IUCN, its actions, the obstacles they face
Florence Robert, (the "shepherd of the hills") who will talk about how to live with wolves and live with men in France
An exceptional poetic concert with poems and prose texts by Cyril Dion , set to music by Sébastien Hogg in the dreamlike spectacle of this duo "poetic resistance"
A play for children “Justine and Amadeus, the little chimpanzee” by the company 21, specially created to raise awareness on the theme of wild animals.
Workshops for young and old including:
- Discover the flora and fauna of the Bois de Boulogne
- Be introduced to first aid gestures when faced with an injured animal
- Create works of art with the flora around you
- Learn to photograph wildlife
- …
Free event : all conferences, workshops (apart from cooking workshops), children's show, exhibitions, concert: all activities are free! (with the exception of "teas in good company")
Address: GoodPlanet Foundation, 1 crossroads of Longchamp, Paris 16.
To get there: 10 minutes from Porte Maillot by bus (244), 20 minutes by bike. 15 min walk from Suresnes (tram T2) and bus 175 from Boulogne
Opening hours: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday
The Jane Goodall Institute and Blue Bees are delighted to accompany and support the following associations.
The projects have all been selected for the issues they address, the seriousness of the associations supporting them, and the concrete impact they have on the ground.
You too can support them: https://bluebees.fr/fr/project/1040
For more than 20 years, the Noé association has been working to safeguard and restore biodiversity. 900 hectares of meadows are planted each year and more than 4,000 managers of public gardens are trained in practices that respect biodiversity, in particular by eliminating synthetic inputs.
Project: participatory science program around nocturnal pollinators, including butterflies
Since 1983, the GORNA has been an approved care center for wildlife (birds and mammals) in distress from the North of the Bas-Rhin, the metropolis of Strasbourg, the East of the Moselle and the Meurthe et Moselle.
Project: create enclosures intended for the reception and reintegration of species.
Since 2008, the Poitevine Wildlife Care Center has welcomed and cared for any sick or injured animal, before reintroducing it into its natural environment.
Project: build a hedgehog and 2 boxes for large mammals.
The FERUS association acts for the protection of large predators in France: bears, wolves and lynx, and works in the field to improve the coexistence between species.
Project: support program for breeders in wolf areas and public awareness to raise awareness and therefore accept the species
For more than 30 years, the Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels d'Auvergne has been creating concrete actions to show how to protect wild pollinators.
Project: intervention program for schools and managers of public green spaces
Since 2008, the Forêts Sauvages association led by Béatrice Kremer-Cochet has been preserving naturally functioning ecosystems.
Project: acquire forests to leave them in free evolution
The BiodivEduc association raises children's awareness of the protection of biodiversity through games in schools and leisure centres. Since 2018, more than 3,000 children have already been made aware.
Project: develop 3 new workshops around wildlife and wetlands
The Takoda association educates young and old about the protection of wildlife.
Project: create the 1st free care center for injured wild animals in the Hauts de France
Tela Botanica is a network of 58,000 French-speaking botanists who organize numerous participatory science programs to understand and apprehend the local flora.
Project: creating new participatory science programs
AVES France is an association for the protection of nature, specialized in cohabitation with large predators (bears, wolves), the fight against shows by bear and wolf trainers, as well as in the defense of the environment and the unloved wild fauna (badger, fox, corvids...).
Project: carry out awareness-raising actions with parliamentarians
The Jane Goodall Institute is a global conservation organization founded by Dr. Jane Goodall in 1977. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring action to preserve the natural world, the Jane Goodall Institute aims to improve the lives of people, animals and the environment.
The Jane Goodall Institute has a dual vocation:
- Scientific research and conservation within the framework of sanctuaries or biospheres, located in Africa; the approach of the Jane Goodall Institute is to put local communities at the heart of this conservation work in order to improve the lives of people, animals and their environment;
- Raising awareness among the youngest of the fragile balance between humans, other animals and nature, through the Roots & Shoots program, aimed at developing a taste for finding solutions to the problems they have identified by themselves. Roots & Shoots, reaches more than one million young people every year in more than 60 countries.
For more information, visit www.janegoodall.fr
BlueBees is a solidarity financing platform exclusively dedicated to French agro-ecological projects
2 types of financing exist:
- Donation with compensation or tax-exempt donation: Citizens support a project financially and receive compensation "in kind" in exchange
- Participatory loan: Citizens invest in a project carried out by a company or a farm and receive a monthly reimbursement equal to their investment (2% annually).
For entrepreneurs BlueBees is more than a simple financial intermediary, it is also a huge asset to gain notoriety, as well as a commercial and financial leverage effect.
For more information, visit www.bluebees.fr
Since 2005, the GoodPlanet Foundation, recognized as being of public utility, aims to place ecology and humanism at the heart of consciences and to arouse the desire to act concretely for the earth and its inhabitants.
Thus, the GoodPlanet Foundation offers educational and artistic projects to raise awareness among a wide audience and supports solidarity and environmental field projects around the world.
Since its creation, the Foundation has been involved in more than 60 Action Carbone Solidaire projects and 268,000 beneficiaries worldwide, 400,000 visitors since the opening of the Domaine de Longchamp and 50,000 workshop participants.
The Foundation was created by Yann Arthus-Bertrand as an extension of his artistic work and his commitment to the environment. He is now its volunteer president.
For more information, visit www.goodplanet.org
Posted on 2022-08-30 17:29