On March 6, 2021, we published in our article "These Brands That Still Test on Animals", a list compiled by PETA of companies that continue to test on animals as part of their cosmetics development. .
The company l'Arbre Vert, which is mentioned in this article, and about which we wrote: " The same is true for the brand l'Arbre Vert bought by Sodalis which has just set up in China, which implies that the brand tests on animals in order to be present in this market." denies it and wishes to make a correction through its communication department - Social Media:
"You should know that L'Arbre Vert (Novamex) is a French company: Our head office is in Vaucluse (84) and our production plant is close to Poitiers (86). We work every day in a process of respect: respect for the environment, respect for health and respect for all living things.
We work with certain importers in China for the sale of our maintenance products only. Our personal care products are not sold in China. Know that it is cosmetics and hygiene products that are tested on animals in China, and not household products."
Posted on 2023-03-08 15:43