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Historic breakthrough: Colombia bans bullfighting.

Bullfighting in Colombia. | Posted on 2024-06-04 15:54

After years of struggle by PETA Latino and other animal protection associations, we have a great victory to celebrate in Colombia: the country's parliament voted in favor of banning bullfighting! This historic vote reflects a simple fact, as true in Colombia as in France and in all countries where bullfighting still takes place: the majority of people consider bullfighting to be a despicable form of animal abuse, and not as a cultural tradition.

Even though the ban will not come into full force until 2027, this decision attests to the imminence of the end of bullfighting everywhere in the world. The French bullfighting departments which still organize these barbaric shows must take note and follow in Colombia's footsteps as quickly as possible.

Bullfighting: torture, not culture

Around 700 bulls and bull calves are massacred with knives in arenas each year in France. During a bullfight, several terrified bulls are tortured one after the other for around twenty minutes each. Horsemen first stick pikes into their dorsal and cervical vertebrae, then individuals on foot plant harpoons in their backs. Finally, after prolonging the victim's agony, the matador ("killer" in Spanish) attempts to finish him off with a sword or knife.

It is not uncommon for bulls to die drowning in their own blood when the matador misses his target and the sword pierces the lungs instead of the heart. Often, animals dragged by chains out of the arena are paralyzed but still conscious.

Act for the end of bullfighting in France

You can take action to end this extreme suffering. French law prohibits serious abuse of animals everywhere, but an exception is provided in certain municipalities where these vile tortures take place. Over the last twenty years, dozens of these towns have stopped bullfighting, such as Floirac, Fréjus, Grau-du-Roi, Rodilhan and more recently Carcassonne.

Sign these actions so that bullfighting will soon belong to the history books:





- PETA France

Posted on 2024-06-04 15:54

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